Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Coursework - Target Audience

 Who is your target audience?

Our target audience will been teenagers and young adults. This is because our two minute opening will have a specific focus on the topic of social media and people in these categories are most involved with this.

Where would they watch it and how?

This type of film could be played on television, in cinemas, on a dvd or streamed from Netflix. Our plan is to create an entertaining yet informative film opening, warning people of the things that can happen if you share too much of your private information online.

What is it about your idea that appeals to this audience?

This idea appeals to my audience because of the rising power of social media. A film about the way in which most young people publicise their lives can be a very personal thing as it reflects the everyday lives of viewers.  It is very relevant to the ideas in the modern world around the internet and therefore is a very new and interesting topic of interest.

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