Tuesday, 25 November 2014

What genre of film will you use for your two minute opening?

After researching and watching films of many different types of genre and accumulating an extended knowledge of the conventions that are usually followed in different genres I have decided to undertake the task of creating the opening to a Rom-Com. I have decided this because not only are rom-coms my preferred genre of film but it is easy to create a story from nothing by following the generic conventions as they are not as vague as the conventions of other genres. I believe that I will get more enjoyment from creating a fun and upbeat opening as this will encourage me to work harder and be prouder of my achievements in Media. I am enthusiastic about making a rom-com based on 'Much Ado About Nothing' as I can tailor it using many techniques such as split screen shots to include both of my protagonists and a wide choice of soundtrack to suit the pace of the film.

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