Monday, 20 October 2014

Mockumentary - Props / Costume List & Itinary

As a group it was most convenient for us to have all our filming completed in one day. We therefore decided it would be best to complete all our filming at school. Unfortunately we only decided on a date as we drew very near to our deadline for footage submission, in hindsight it would probably have been more productive to plan out our itinery with lots of time to spare in case we encountered any hiccups. 

As we decided to complete all our filming in school time we had no choice but to film our cast in the clothes they happened to be wearing on that day. However, in some ways this was convenient as in a school environment out cast members were wearing what would be expected of then. For example with Fionna and her friends wearing their usual sixth form clothes it made it more believeable that this was their natural environment. As Mr Savage was in his usual PE kit it was believeable that he is a teacher, also, using a real adult makes the mockumentary somewhat more proffesional.

We decided not to use any props as we did not think they would benefit the mockumentary any further. If, for example, we had been given the other group's task of 'Chairboy', the prop of a chair would have been important. But based on the theme and title of our mockumentary they were not necessary

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